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On 2 February 1848, Hiram Page wrote a letter to William McLellin regarding a 372-mile (round trip) winter journey he made to Kingston, Canada – circa January 1830. The purpose was to gain an $8,000 cash payout (without Martin Harris knowing) in exchange for the Canadian rights to the Book of Mormon:

“Joseph [Smith, Jr.] heard that there was a chance to sell a copy right in Canada for any useful book that was used in the States. Joseph thought this would be a good opportunity to get a hand on a sum of money which was to be (after the expenses were taken out) for the exclusive benefit of the Smith family and was to be at the disposal of Joseph. Accordingly Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Knight, Hiram Page and Joseph Stoel were chosen (as I understand by revelation) to do the business; we were living from 30 to 100 miles apart. The necessary preparation was made (by them) in a sly manner so as to keep Martin Harris from drawing a share of the money. It was told me we were to go by revelation, but when we had assembled at Father Smiths, there was no revelation for us to go, but we were all anxious to get a revelation to go; and when it came we were to go to Kingston where we were to sell if they would not harden their hearts; but when we got there, there was no purchaser, neither were they authorized at Kingston to buy rights for the Provence; but little York [now Toronto] was the place where such business had to be done. We were to get 8,000 dollars [worth $324,523.92 in 2024]. We were treated with the best of respect by all we met with in Kingston – by the above we may learn how a revelation may be received and the person receiving it not be benefitted.”

Hiram Page to William McLellin, Letter (Fishing River, MO: Community of Christ Archives, spelling and punctuation standardized by Eldon Watson, 2 February 1848).

Here is the failed -early 1830- revelation, which has never found its way into LDS scripture:

[Revelation #] 23 Commandment AD 1830 A Revelation given to Joseph [Smith, Jr. to] Oliver [Cowdery] Hyram [Hiram Page] Josiah [Stowell] & Joseph Knight [Sr.] given at Manchester Ontario C[ounty] New York 

“Behold I the Lord am God I Created the Heavens & the Earth

& all things that in them is wherefore they are mine & I sway my scepter over all the Earth & ye are in my hands to will & to do that I can deliver you out of evry difficulty & affliction according to your faith & dilligence & uprightness Before me & I have covenanted with my Servent that earth nor Hell combined against him shall not take the Blessing out of his hands which I have prepared for him if he walketh uprightly before me neither the spiritual nor the temporal Blessing & Behold I also covenanted with those who have assisted him in my work

that I will do unto them even the same Because they have done that which is pleasing in my sight (yea even all save M◊◊tin only it be one only) Wherefore be dilligent in Securing the Copy right of my Servent work upon all the face of the Earth of which is known by you unto unto my Servent Joseph & unto him whom he willeth accordinng as I shall command him that the faithful & the righteousmay retain the temperal Blessing as well as the Spirit[u]al & also that my work be not destroyed by the workers of iniquity to their own distruction & damnation when they are fully ripe & now Behold I say unto you that I have covenanted & it Pleaseth me that Oliver Cowderey Joseph Knight Hyram Page & Josiah Stowel shall do my work in this thing yea even in securing the <Copy>right & they shall do it with an eye single to my Glory that it may be the means of bringing souls unto me Salvation through mine only Begotten Behold I am God I have spoken it & it is expedient in me Wherefor I say unto you that ye shall go to Kingston seeking me continually through mine only Begotten & if ye do this ye shall have my spirit to go with you & ye shall have an addition of all things which is expedient in me & I grant unto my servent a privelige that he may sell <a copyright> through you speaking after the manner of men for the four Provinces if the People harden not their hearts against the enticeings of my spirit & my word for Behold it lieth in themselves to their condemnation & or to their salvation Behold my way is before you & the means I will prepare & the Blessing I hold in mine own hand & if ye are faithful I will pour out upon you even as much as ye are able to Bear & thus it shall be Behold I am the father & it is through mine only begotten which is Jesus Christ your Redeemer amen”

Joseph Smith, Jr. – Revelation #23/early 1830, Revelation Book 1 (Kirtland, OH: John Whitmer, circa March 1831), 30-31.