One indication that the Book of Mormon was dictated rather than translated can be discerned in awkward passages that backtrack to clarify points. Such an instance occurs in First Nephi during the episode where most lose faith, shortly after discovering the Liahona. Finding this peculiar compass right at Lehi’s tent should have strengthened their faith, but it doesn’t seem to have done so.
Nephi’s “fine steel” bow breaks (1 Nephi 16:18) after days of unsuccessful hunting, leading to bitterness among the group, even causing the prophet Lehi to “murmur[ed] against the Lord” (vs 20).
Nephi manages to fashion a makeshift bow to continue the hunt and consults Lehi for guidance. Until this point, there’s no indication that Lehi, his other sons, or the sons of Ishmael had repented. However, at the start of verse 24, Lehi prays to God.
Joseph Smith, Jr. seems to recognize the need to clarify Lehi’s change of heart by inserting “for they had humbled themselves because of my words,” a detail previously unmentioned. He then elaborates on the chastening in the rest of verse 24 and verse 25.
Either Joseph spontaneously introduces the concept of the Liahona working by “faith and diligence” (vs 28), or he understands that presenting Lehi receiving directions from the ball without faith would contradict its functioning, so he quickly adjusts the narrative during dictation, explaining the change of heart afterward.
This sort of awkwardness is prevalent in the Book of Mormon.