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“[I]n the revelation to Oliver Cowdery in [April] May 1829, Bro[ther B.H]. Roberts said that the gift which the Lord says he has in his hand meant a stick which was like Aaron’s Rod [Book of Commandments 7:3, now D & C 8:6]. It is said Bro. Phineas Young got it from him [Cowdery] and gave it to President Young who had it with him when he arrived in this [Salt Lake] valley and that it was with that stick that he pointed out where the Temple should be built.”

Anthon H. Lund, Anthon H. Lund Journal – 5 July 1901; quoted in Abanes, One Nation Under Gods (New York, NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002), 520 fn 51. ​

[NOTE: In 1819, a similar act happened to Isaac Bullard (see fact 1913). This episode may have been inspired by that event].