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The time is coming, when we will not be fettered by unjust laws that are imposed upon us. Why? Because the Lord intends, by his judgment, by wars among the nations that will not serve him, by famines, and pestilence, and by various judgments that will be sent forth, to waste away the nations of the earth … [W]e know their doom, and we know that it is very near at hand. It is not something to happen in a far distant period of the future, but it is right at the doors … the Lord … will speedily fulfill the prophecy in relation to the overthrow of this nation, and their destruction.”

Orson Pratt – 26 September 1875, Deseret Evening News – 2 October 1875, Volume 8, no. 265; see also N.B. Lundwall, compiler, Inspired Prophetic Warnings, (Salt Lake City, UT: Self-Published, 1940), 26.