Joseph Smith had access to thousands of books via the library, and to many local newspaper accounts of ‘Visions.’ This one is from 1825 …
“[W]hen I came to the place of prayer, had kneeled down and closed my eyes, with my hands uplifted toward the heavens, I saw Jesus Christ at the right hand of God looking down upon me, and God the Father looking upon him. The look of Jesus on me removed the burden of my sins, while he spoke these words, ‘Be faithful until death and this shall be thy place of rest.’ I never had seen Jesus Christ before, nor heard his voice, nor ever had a sense of his intercession at the right hand of God for me till now; and now I could see the justice of God in shewing mercy to me for the sake of his Son Jesus Christ; and not only to me, but to all that would come to him forsaking their sins, and believing that his death and suffering were the only satisfactory sacrifice for sin … Beholding the glory of God by faith, was a rapturous sight … I opened my eyes therefore, while still on my knees: and behold all nature was praising God.”
Billy Hibbard, Memoirs of the Life and Travels of B. Hibbard (New York, NY: Self-published, 1825), 24-25.