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FAILED PROPHECIES: The Prophet-less JS …

LDS faithful immediately know you’re mentioning Joseph Smith when you say “The Prophet.” Yet, we’re hard-pressed to find a singular fulfilled prediction by this charlatan.

This unfulfilled prophecy of Joseph Smith is 200 years old…

PROPHECY ABOUT ANSON CALL: 6 August 1842.  Joseph Smith prophesies that Anson Call will “go and assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other and … shall perform as great a work as has been done by man, so that the nations of the earth shall be astonished” (History of the Church 5:86).

Anson Call assisted in building Fillmore, Utah (population in 2020 was 2,592).

He did not assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other.

He did not perform any work “as great … as has been done by man” or at which the nations of the earth were astonished.

Richard Packham,