FAILED PROPHECIES: The Prophet-less JS …
LDS faithful immediately know you’re mentioning Joseph Smith when you speak the two words “The Prophet.” Yet, we’re hard-pressed to find a singular fulfilled prediction by this charlatan.
This unfulfilled prophecy of Joseph Smith is 200 years old:
ANSWERED PRAYERS: Jesus promises the Saints that “… Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith … ye shall receive” (D&C 29:6), and “… Ask what you will, and it shall be given unto you according to my word” (D&C 132:40). Joseph Smith believed firmly in this promise (see The Words of Joseph Smith, 10 March 1844) …
The prayers of faithful Mormons, especially during the periods of conflict in Kirtland, Missouri, and Nauvoo undoubtedly included many requests for divine aid, victory over their enemies, and peace in their lands. Surely, they asked for these things.
Instead, they were driven out and found no peace.
Richard Packham