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When Joseph Smith died, he was carrying a magic medallion. Joseph’s first wife, Emma, kept it in her possession the remainder of her life. She knew of his affection for it as he always carried it with him. This token was identified in 1974 by LDS historian Reed Durham as a ‘Jupiter Talisman.’ It is not known when Joseph first acquired the talisman, but it is the kind of object a treasure hunter would desire. It is purported to give the possessor the magical power to gain riches, favor, and power. Joseph Smith sought for and obtained all three of these.

Some argue there is no hard evidence for Joseph Smith’s possession of the ‘Jupiter Talisman’ or the ‘Seer Stone.’ However, there is no hard evidence that Joseph Smith ever possessed the ‘Golden Plates’ either.

Why dismiss one for lack of hard evidence, while maintaining a steadfast belief in the other, which is equally weak in substantial evidence (ie: based on statements by the eleven witnesses; potentially biased friends and family)?

The ‘Jupiter Talisman’ was designed by early 19th century esoteric author/compiler, Francis Barrett.

Barrett’s The Magus was published in London in 1801 and is made up of

“… selections from Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy attributed to Agrippa and the Robert Turner’s 1655 translation of the Heptameron of Peter of Abano. Barrett made a few modifications and modernized the spelling and syntax of these selections.”