“Orson Hyde and W.W. Phelps turned against Joseph in Missouri, and forsook him in time of peril and danger, and even testified against him in the courts…”
They asked to be reinstated, and “with tears he moved that we would forgive them and receive them back into fellowship. He then sent Elder O. Hyde and John E. Page to Jerusalem, and to the land of Palestine, to dedicate that land for the gathering of the Jews. Report said that Hyde’s wife [Marinda Nancy], with his consent, was sealed to Joseph for an eternal state …
“After the death of Joseph, Brigham Young told me that Joseph’s time on earth was short, and that the Lord allowed him privileges that we could not have.”
John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled: The Life and Confessions of the Late Mormon Bishop (St. Louis, MO: Bryan, Brand & Company, 1877), 147.