“Be it remembered that on this first day of May A.D. 1869 personally appeared before me Elias Smith Probate Judge for Said County Presenda Lathrop Huntington ^Kimball^ who was by me Sworn in due form of law and upon her oath saith, that on the eleventh day of December A.D. 1841, at the City of Nauvoo, County of Hancock State of Illinois, She was married or Sealed to Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Dimick B. Huntington, a High-Priest in Said Church, according to the laws of the Same regulating Marriage; in the presence of Fanny Maria Huntington.”
Presendia Kimball affidavit, Joseph F. Smith (compiler), Affidavits on Celestial Marriage, 1869-1870 – Book 1 (Salt Lake City, UT: LDS Church Archives, MS 3423, Fd. 5), 7.