George A. Smith confirms that the First Vision was attended by “the holy angel” – and not God the Father or Jesus Christ…
“When Joseph Smith was about fourteen or fifteen years old [1819-20], living in the Western part of the State of New York, there was a revival of religion…
“He had read the Bible and had found that passage in James [1:5] which says, “If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not,” and taking thus literally, he went humbly before the Lord and inquired of Him, and the Lord answered his prayer, and revealed to Joseph, by the ministration of angels, the true condition of the religious world. When the holy angel appeared, Joseph inquired which of all these denominations was right and which he should join, and was told they were all wrong,”
George A. Smith – 15 November 1868, Journal of Discourses – Volume 12 (Liverpool, England: Albert Carrington, 1869), 333-334.