“Now, I must speak of another danger, almost unknown in our youth but now everywhere about you.
“Normal desires and attractions emerge in the teenage years; there is the temptation to experiment, to tamper with the sacred power of procreation. These desires can be intensified, even perverted, by pornography, improper music, or the encouragement from unworthy associations. What would have only been a more or less normal passing phase in establishing gender identity can become implanted and leave you confused, even disturbed.
“If you consent, the adversary can take control of your thoughts and lead you carefully toward a habit and to an addiction, convincing you that immoral, unnatural behavior is a fixed part of your nature.”
Boyd K. Packer, General Conference “Ye Are the Temple of God” (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2000), 73.