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David P. Wright is the Hebrew scripture specialist who had been fired by BYU in 1988 for believing the Book of Mormon was a nineteenth-century writing of Joseph Smith…

Brent Metcalfe an independent researcher, was expelled for editing the New Approaches anthology…

Michael Barrett a lawyer for the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington, was convicted of apostasy for refusing to obey church orders and stop sending controversial letters to the editors of newspapers. Barrett’s letters contained facts about Mormonism’s differences with mainstream Christian doctrine and such embarrassing topics as the black priesthood ban, polygamy, and Adam-as-God.

Janice Allred a freelance writer and feminist, was convicted over a 1992 Sunstone Symposium paper, Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother…”

Richard and Joan Ostling, Mormon America (San Francisco, CA: HarperOne, 13 October 2009), 358-359.