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Spiritual Coercion and Hand-Cuffed Free Agency…

“Obviously you will have your agency to live as you believe once you are living out on your own. I hope with all my heart you choose wisely. The world is full of heartache without the teachings of Jesus Christ. You will be much happier if you follow His teachings found in the church. I promise you this.

“Now for a temporal warning:

“If any of you choose the rebellious or wayward path let me make this crystal clear to all of you: I have directed my Last Will and Testament along with my Family Trust that my assets, by way of inheritance, will be shared with only those of you who choose and demonstrate to be obedient to that which you have been taught your entire lives–namely being a member in good standing of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This means attending church each week, holding a current temple recommend, and having faith by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.

“In other words, none of my inheritance that I may designate for my children will be given to those of you who may be astray or who would otherwise use it to fight the church, perpetuate unbelief to their children (my grandchildren), laziness in keeping the commandments (like not going on missions), laziness in working to support your family. buying and using drugs and/or alcohol, and/or support any other poor-judgment philosophy at the expense of my good family name (and pioneers who have gone before and who have sacrificed so much). I believe that those of you who choose to turn against the goodness of the church is in direct rebellion and I will not support it in any way, shape or form. I hope I have set the expectations here and that you will do all you can to gain your own testimony and live good happy lives. If you do, I promise to share with you all I have.

“Therefore, in conclusion, I invite you to simply love each other instead of seeking the negative and the contentious. I invite you to partake of the fruit Tree of Life as described in the Book of Mormon. The promises of partaking of this fruit are explained in detail in these scriptures. Don’t be a Lamen[sic] and Lemuel. Instead, be like Nephi of old and follow his example of faith and willing obedience.

“I simply desire to have Heavenly Father’s spirit in our home and return to live with our Heavenly Father in the next life and desire you to be there as well.

“Your Dad, [X]

“We have read and understand this Voice of Warning. (Sign below.)”