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“It is not necessary here to repeat the passages in the Book of Mormon which describe such civilization …

It is only needful now to show that nothing could be wider from the truth, unless all ancient American history is a lie, and its ten thousand relics tell false tales. It may be stated in a general way that there never has been a time upon this western hemisphere within the historic period, or within three thousand years past, when a uniform civilization of ANY KIND prevailed over both continents ... We are to learn now: 1st. That a Christian civilization has never existed in Central America, not even for a day. 2nd. The people of Central America, as far back as their record has been traced (and that is centuries earlier than the alleged beginning of Nephite history), have always been an idolatrous people …

The entire civilization of the Book of Mormon, its whole record from beginning to end is flatly contradicted by the civilization and the history of Central America.

M.T. Lamb, The Golden Bible (New York, NY: Ward and Drummond, 1887), 284-5, 289.