“Any man or woman who has heard the Gospel and rejected it—not only those in the days of Noah, but any man or woman in this day who has had a good chance to receive and embrace the Gospel and enjoy its blessings and privileges, but who has been indifferent of these things, ignoring and neglecting them—such a person need not hope or anticipate that when he is dead the work can be done for him and he can gain celestial glory. Don’t you Latter-day Saints get the notion that a man can live in defiance or total indifference, having had a good chance—not just a casual chance or opportunity—to accept the Gospel and that when he dies you can go and do the work for him and have him receive every blessing that the faithful ones are entitled to.”
Melvin J. Ballard, Crusader for Righteousness (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1966), 221.